Veneers – Cherry Hill

Say Goodbye to Aesthetic Imperfections

Woman smiling with veneers

Are you happy with the way your smile looks? Many people lack confidence due to the appearance of their teeth. The good news is that there are a variety of cosmetic options available to help patients achieve the beautiful pearly whites they have been dreaming of. At Kingston Family Dental Center, Dr. Kessy Lee is proud to offer veneers to address aesthetic imperfections of the teeth. Continue reading to learn more about veneers and how they can transform your smile!

Why Choose Kingston Family Dental Center for Veneers?

  • Cosmetic Dentist with Decades of Experience
  • Lasts 15+ Years with Proper Maintenance
  • CareCredit Financing Available

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dentist holding a veneer with tweezers

Veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored porcelain that are placed over the front-facing surfaces of the teeth to mask cosmetic imperfections. Porcelain is a durable and natural-looking material, so no one will even be able to tell that it isn’t your natural tooth enamel. Veneers are generally used to address teeth that are chipped, gapped, misaligned, misshapen, discolored, undersized, and more!

The Process of Getting Veneers

It usually takes two appointments for veneers to be placed. During your first one, Dr. Lee will prepare your teeth by filing down a minimal portion of your enamel. This ensures that the veneers lay flat against your smile. This way, they won’t appear bulky or appear strange on your teeth.

Once your teeth have been prepped, we will take impressions that will be sent to the dental lab. You will be given temporary veneers to wear until your final restorations are ready. In just a few weeks, you can return to the practice so your final veneers can be placed. Then, you will be free to leave the practice with a newfound confidence in your smile!

The Benefits of Veneers

Woman putting a coin into a piggy bank

Veneers provide a wide range of benefits. Here are some of the most prominent ones:

  • Natural-Looking: The porcelain used to craft veneers appears very similar to natural tooth enamel.
  • Quick Process: Veneers can be placed in as few as two appointments.
  • Teeth Whitening: Veneers are more resistant to staining than tooth enamel, so you don’t have to worry about discoloration from dark-pigmented foods or beverages. Veneers can also be shaded to be the exact color you want, so you can show off a whiter smile.
  • Long-Lasting: When cared for properly, veneers can last upward of 15 years.

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

Everyone’s treatment is entirely customized, so the cost varies from patient to patient. During your initial consultation with us, we will examine your smile to make sure you are a good candidate and discuss the goals you have for your smile. Then, we can put together a customized treatment plan to meet your needs and wants. At that time, we will go over the estimated cost of your veneers in detail as well as your payment options. If you have any questions regarding the cost of your treatment, don’t hesitate to talk to one of our friendly team members.