BOTOX® Treatment Cherry Hill

Reduce Signs of Aging & Restore Your Youthful Glow

Woman pointing to her face after Botox treatment in Cherry Hill

Wrinkles and fine lines are signs of aging that can, in some cases, make patients appear older than they actually are and even affect self-esteem and confidence. Dr. Lee offers injectables like BOTOX, Dysport, and Xeomin, to minimize the appearance of facial wrinkles and allow you to reclaim your youthful glow. The injections only take a few moments to administer and offer lasting results, making BOTOX treatment in Cherry Hill an excellent cosmetic investment!


Why Choose Kingston Family Cosmetic Dental Center for BOTOX® Treatment?

  • BOTOX Injections Used for TMJ Treatment
  • A Dentist with Decades of Experience
  • Focus on Preventive, Holistic Dentistry

What Is BOTOX?

Dentist drawing syringe from vial of clear liquid

BOTOX, Dysport, and Xeomin are all brand names for diluted botulinum toxin, which is a bacteria that encourages muscle relaxation when injected into certain areas of the body. As a result, patients are able to notice smoother-looking skin and the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles that detract from their youthful appearance. It also has functional uses, like for TMJ treatment, helping release tension-filled muscles surrounding the jaw joints to minimize symptoms like bruxism and general pain.

What Is BOTOX Used For?

Cosmetic dentist preparing to give a patient a Botox injection

BOTOX can be used to address a wide range of concerns that are both cosmetic and functional in nature, including:

  • Minimizing the appearance of crow’s feet, smoker’s lines, smile lines, and forehead wrinkles.
  • Reduce pain caused by TMJ disorder, as well as discomfort in the head, neck, and upper back area.
  • Enhancing the jawline and neck area.
  • Easing teeth grinding caused by TMJD.