LIPLASE Natural Lip Enhancement Cherry Hill
The Perfect Purse
Liplase is a more focused application of the Smoothlase laser facial rejuvenation technique that can de-age the lips. While Smoothlase addresses the upper and lower lip areas above and below the borders, this technique is solely for the vermillion borders. Liplase in Cherry Hill enables patients to tackle a problem area and achieve attractive, natural-looking results without having to rely on fillers that always stand out.
What Is Liplase?

Liplase is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment that is performed from inside and outside of the lips on the vermillion border. Just as Dr. Lee builds and shapes lips with Restylane and Restylane Silk, she can direct the formation of a Cupid's Bow with your own collagen while enhancing the overall shape and form of your lips. There are no painful lip injections, no foreign materials, and no downtime. You are good to go immediately after your treatment.
What Happens During Liplase Treatment?

For Liplase, we typically recommend 3 treatments of approximately 20 minutes each. Sessions are 3 weeks apart to allow your collagen to develop. The laser energy will be applied across the inside of the lip border, then the outside dry part of the vermillion border.
As the lips are full of sensory nerves, we do advise dental block anesthesia for your comfort during treatment. For those who prefer not to be numb for a few hours, Dr. Lee prescribes EMLA topical cream (2.5% lidocaine, 2.5% prilocaine) to soak into your lips one hour before treatment to make you more comfortable.
Post-treatment, the outer area will go through 3 phases:
- Inflammation/slight swelling (that actually looks like a good enhancement) for the first 24 hours
- Surface peeling on the second to third day
- New collagen filling up the lips on days 1 to 30
Dr. Lee likes to use organic, unrefined coconut oil applied liberally throughout the day for the first 3 days, but vitamin E oil and Vaseline also work.
How Long Will the Liplase Natural Collagen Enhancement Last?

Your new collagen from Liplase will degrade at the same rate as the rest of the collagen in your body. The rate is totally dependent upon your diet and lifestyle, and hence your overall health state. A single touch-up treatment around 6 to 12 months later is recommended to maintain your lips' plumpness, tone, and elasticity.
Benefits of Liplase

- No downtime
- No bruising
- No injections
- No foreign/synthetic substances
- No radical changes (a more subtle treatment)
- Healthy rejuvenation (actually does reverse aging, not just change the surface appearance)
- Short, in-office procedure
- A natural process of creating new, more elastic, collagen which builds over time well past the treatment
- A safe alternative to surgery
- No pre-treatment preparation
- No post-treatment requirements or medications
- No worry about allergic reactions
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