What Is Ozone Therapy?
Ozonated water is water infused with ozone, or O3, a molecule containing three oxygen atoms. In an ozone molecule, two oxygen atoms form a basic oxygen molecule (O2), while the third acts as a “radical” loosely attached to the basic molecule. This third atom can easily attach to other molecules and break down their structure. In this way, ozonated water can destroy the cell walls of microorganisms, which means the bacteria to blame for gum disease and cavities are no match for this state-of-the-art disinfectant.
Ozonated water is used for sanitation purposes in many industries, including dentistry. Dentists are adopting ozonated water as a healthy and safe disinfectant, whether used before surgery, after tooth extraction, or to combat gum disease.
In one recent study, ozonated water was found to improve health outcomes for patients with moderate gingivitis—so much so that the study suggested it could serve as an alternative to specialized periodontal mouthwash. Other studies have found that ozonated water is effective at killing the bacteria responsible for periodontitis without damaging healthy oral tissue, making it a powerful tool to treat and prevent gum disease. Further studies show that this therapy also works as well as, or even better, than a medicated mouthwash with chlorhexidine.