Cosmetic Dental Services Cherry Hill
Teeth Are Our Specialty,
Your Overall Health Is Our Priority
At Kingston Family Cosmetic Dental Center, we’re committed to a holistic, whole-body approach to care, which means that, while we take care of your teeth, we also help you understand the connection between your oral and overall health. Dr. Lee has countless years of experience helping patients navigate their dental health in conjunction with medical conditions, like diabetes, as well as offering a comprehensive menu of holistic dental services in Cherry Hill, which is listed below. Give our dental office a call to schedule your appointment!
What Is Whole-Body Dentistry?

You may not know this, but the health of your smile, just like every other vital organ or bone in your body, can lead to other medical and dental concerns. For this reason, Dr. Lee takes a thorough, whole-body approach to dental care. She takes the time to consult with her patients about their medical history as well as evaluate their airway and jaw joints, ensuring that no underlying conditions are leading to other symptoms being experienced throughout the body.
This approach to care leads to more conservative and careful dentistry that helps save patients money, time, and preserves their natural dental structure. This is thanks to Dr. Lee’s preventive angle, aiming to spot symptoms of dental health problems as early as possible to avoid the need for more extensive treatments down the road.